Dessert Gum?

Friday, January 21st, 2011 | Store-bought

Does everyone remember some years ago when there was chocolate-flavored gum?  And it was disgusting?  Well, it’s baaa-aaack… in the form of Wrigley’s Extra Dessert Delights Mint Chocolate Chip flavored sugar-free gum, where you can “Have Your Dessert & Chew It Too!”  (Um, I usually chew my dessert first– I’m not a bird.)  We all know that specific chemical the flavorists use to make “chocolate.”  But the acrid taste is somewhat masked by a minty flavor, creating a “nice” balance.  I’m not saying I’m cool with Wrigley’s claim that this is somehow dessert (!), but it’s worth a try… I guess: яндекс


2 Comments to Dessert Gum?

January 26, 2011

I saw this stuff standing in line at Duane Reade the other night and thought of the poor people trying to lose weight and chewing this stuff….I think it was Julia Child who said “it’s not what you eat but how much”….

February 10, 2011

I just tried the strawberry one… What an odd flavor! Lotte’s Coffee gum is still my fav…

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