Blue Water Grill – A “Caper” Caper, or, Why are there two capers in my dessert?
This past Saturday, I went to Blue Water Grill for a friend’s baby shower. I was pretty excited because I’d never been there before, and I heard their fish dishes are delish. It turns out the crush and noise level one experiences there during the brunch rush is not so appetizing. Neither was my “Warm Chocolate Molten Cake w/ Bittersweet Chocolate Crisp and Malt Crunch Ice Cream.”
I don’t know why I always fall for the molten chocolate cake thing.  It’s usually a disappointment– with dry, tasteless crusts, and pudding-like, gelatinous insides. It’s like people think if the words “molten” and “chocolate” are put together, all will be right with the world. This one certainly fell into that slot, but with the addition of bland, Breyer’s-like ice cream and a weird green gel squirted along the plate’s perimeter. Neither myself nor my companion could place the gel’s flavor– it really tasted like those cheap colored frosting gels you decorate cookies with when you’re five years old.  I also noticed a couple things I swore looked like capers lining the plate atop the gel. “What could they be?” I thought.  “Cardamom pods, perhaps? Hmm, but no one else who ordered this cake has those things on their plate. But they can’t possibly be capers, because that would be so disgusting.” Well, it turns out they were capers, in all of their salty, pickley glory… and I was turned off of dessert for the rest of the day.
(Sorry no pics, but I felt it would be disrespectful to photograph my interloping capers as the baby momma’s momma had very kindly treated us to the brunch, and she was sitting right next to me.)
2 Comments to Blue Water Grill – A “Caper” Caper, or, Why are there two capers in my dessert?
I think Oscar the grouch’s fav dessert was caper ice cream!! eeck.
Wow. The combo of salty and sweet is usually unstoppable but that is full on bad news! You described the bad chocolate molten cake flawlessly. I have never been able to put my finger on WHAT is so boring and disappointing about it!
November 2, 2009